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Monday, August 15, 2011

Comment of the day - youth benefits (not)

Browsing the blogosphere for intelligent comment around Key's 'orange card' proposals for young beneficiaries, I found this sobering warning from 'HC' on one of the left-wing blogs.
You might have thoughts about what HC describes (I've edited for context)

"This is just a precursor or trial of what is to come for all beneficiaries!
“Payment Cards” have already been gradually introduced, supposedly on a “voluntary” basis since last year. In reality they have already been more or less imposed on applicants asking for special needs grants for food.
This will be trialled on the 16 and 17 year olds, and one day it will become the standard for ALL beneficiaries! Payment Cards are designed to become the standard form of benefit payments in future!
Your spending will be strictly controlled, so that there is no more discretionary spending on what WINZ will deem to be “luxury”, unnecessary or unacceptable (e.g. alcohol and cigarettes).
The payment of rent directly from WINZ or the follow up agency to landlords will also lead to a wider approach of this being used for ALL benefit recipients in future.
That way the responsible agency will also try and influence where people live. It will not be far away that they will tell people on welfare, that they will no longer have a free choice about what is acceptable, appropriate or suitable accommodation. The intention will be to save on accommodation supplements.
This regime has more or less already been drafted, and we are being drip fed.
One day the unemployed, sick and disabled “job seekers” will all be work-tested, eventually housed in cheap, boarding house style accommodation (modern “poor houses”), forced to take up any “suitable” training, work or study. Any non complience will lead to benefit cuts and cancellations.
Those that think this is harmless, do not understand the approach being used. It is the beginning of something bigger coming up.
So if National will get voted back in again, this is what will be in store for all that will face losing their jobs for longer periods, that will be sick, disabled, a sole parent and depend on the state for support.
We are returning to the times of “poor houses”, “work houses” or “work shops” for the poor and incapacitated.
That is the great “help” and “assistance” offered by Don Key and his consorts running the show.
Do not forget, Housing NZ will also throw thousands off waiting lists soon, who are deemed as not being in urgent need for such assistance!
The right wingers and National and ACT supporters love this, and that is what is in store for us, if we end up at the bottom of the scrap heap in future under their leadership.
So think carefully before you vote in November. Many young leaving school or uni without a job will have the best encouragement to leave this place for good, if NAT-ACT get a second term."

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