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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thought-provoking post

This is something special for your consideration.
The author of this post on the treatment of autism is daring to think beyond the norm for the sake of  those unable to mount an argument like the one presented on this site.
A very special post, in my opinion and one that bears careful consideration.


dutchie down south said...

this article got some merits.
We have been using herbs for healing reasons for thousands of years anyway..

However when it comes to the use of cannabis for medical reasons, I'm always a little bit scared were to draw the line between "recreational use" and medical purposes and who is to administer this.

Because when it comes to "recreational use", that is still something I'm dead against

robertguyton said...

That is the difficulty dutchie. The use of medicines for recreational purposes is already widespread and has been for much of history I suspect. Laudanum anyone? Alcohol-based cough mixtures, anything at all that makes a person feel 'different'.
I can't see, in light of that, that medicinal cannabis would become a problem of any significance, especially given how readily available it already is. The best effect of having a legal medicine made from the herb would be peace of mind for those who do need it and aren't comfortable having to obtain and use it illegally.

dutchie down south said...

" The best effect of having a legal medicine made from the herb would be peace of mind for those who do need it and aren't comfortable having to obtain and use it illegally."

but who Robert,in your mind, would be eligable to subscibe these medicines? a G.P.? or should they be available as an "over the counter medicine" at a pharmacy?

robertguyton said...

A GP. Of course, there is the question of growing your own at home, thus by-passing the middle-men, being assured of the preparation and healthiness of the herb,not being reliant on the pharmaceutical industry and all it's dark corners. You're a grower dutchie. Perhaps you could, under license, produce the crop for your local community. Economically, that's the sensible thing to do. Of course, you'd have to grow organically. Nicotinoids and so on are not good for human health, especially when ingested. I could give you some pointers on how to grow organic vegetables successfully. Growing cannabis without synthetic chemicals can't be very different.

dutchie down south said...

I'm stay with what I know Robert...closer to home for me would be the growing of daffodils.
Daffodils are also a crop which are relative easy to grow without the use of fungicide and insecticides.

There is a potential market for daffodils which can be used to extract substances to be used to flight Alzheimer.

A lot of research has been done approx.12 years ago but I haven't seen a lot about it in the Dutch bulb trades magazines lately.

robertguyton said...

I didn't know that dutchie, about the daffodils, and it's something I hope I never forget :-)

Suz said...

Or alternatively it could be decriminalised?

In regards to "medical" benefits, marijuana is well-known to help with pain-relief, insomnia, nausea and appetite, hence why it's available on prescription in some places, particularly for terminal patients.

I truly believe alcohol is a much more harmful and often abused substance, just ask any police-officer or doctor. And who administers booze..super-market check-out operators/bar staff/waiters.

I know it might seem inherently abhorrent to "dope up" your kids, but as the article suggested, take away the stigma of weed, and let's think of it as XYZ.

I can only imagine what a lonely and scary place Autism must be. It's a travesty that their care-givers can't go down this route should they choose, in a legal manner.

Very interesting about the daffs Dutchie.