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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tim launches his boat

Tim rang to say he was launching the boat he'd just finished building and would I like to be there for the maiden dipping. I raced down to the beach. While I waited I took photos.
The boat-less beach.

A sea prune

Translucent weed

The stern

That's not giving away too much, is it.


Ray said...

That little look certainly hints at a very crafted boat

robertguyton said...

I'll put up another Ray. Tim built this one from a kitset from the States, It looked like a jigsaw before he glued it together. It's very graceful and hardly sits just above the waterline. The first 'wetting' wasn't entirely successful - the mechanical bits that slide back and forward as he rowed, were slightly 'rocky' and the craft is back in the workshop for adjustments. It did look graceful though, while it was out on the water. Jacqui paddled Tim's second-most-recent effort - a lovely kayak made from strips of cedar (I think). I'll put that up too. The photos weren't so good - sun on the waterside, rather than the beach and I didn't want to wade - it was cold.