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Friday, July 29, 2011

Great to meet Tony

Did you go to see Tony Blair yesterday?


Here, the children of some of those who could afford the tickets, wait for their Mummies and Daddies to emerge from what was doubtless a brilliant time.


Ray said...

Is this the truth
Is it fair

Don't think so
Double fail Robert

robertguyton said...

The tickets were $500 to $1000 each Ray.
Kiwiblog's David Farrar described Blair as 'more Tory than me'.
I think the children of those who paid that money and went to hear Blair would be the modern equivalents of the young toffs in the image.


Depends on what you mean by that I suppose. Were the charges of 'War Criminal' fair, do you think?

Dave Kennedy said...

My English father in law was a conservative, well read and highly astute man. Early in Blair's Prime Ministership he was telling me what a dishonest and dangerous man he was, but like most people I was swayed by Blair's charm and enthusiasm.

Leaders like Blair that feign respectability can be more dangerous than than blatant tyrants and generally escape having to pay for their considerable crimes to humanity. The fact that Blair had developed a relationship with media magnate, Murdoch, cemented his position and protected him from exposure.

Jonesy said...

Earlier in the year George Monbiot established a fund to reward anyone who managed to make a citizen's arrest on Blair. There was a reasonable amount of money raised. In Britain they were hoping he would be made President of the EU, so his schedule would be public.
Ray, the truth is that he lied to the British people and they do not forget that.
I once worked in a large organisation where the clerks would dress in suit and tie, mimicing managers in the hope that one day they would be one too.
So the people who went to hear Blair, have a self image which would have been confirmed and inflated by being amongst others of the same ilk.
We are so tribal, aren't we?
Must be a election coming up.

Jonesy said...

The EU report on fracking:

Shane Pleasance said...

What is your point with this post Robert? I am a little unsure.

robertguyton said...

Nobody can be sure Shane.
You'd not go far wrong if you thought of it as lampooning perhaps, or perhaps gentle mockery?

Shane Pleasance said...

fair enough.