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Friday, July 8, 2011


Dominion Brewery is bullying Green Man Brewery over the use of the word 'Radler'.


No more DB 4 me!

I'm a Green Man man now, through and through!


David Winter said...

welcome to the boycott Rob, you're about two years behind some of us :)

robertguyton said...

Thanks David - I haven't been paying attention have I! Nor have I been drinking DB either so maybe it's an instinctive thing. My sons buy me Green Man on my birthday - it comes in beautiful boxed sets as you probably know. I'd always wondered at the incongruous 'cyclist' label but never thought about it to any depth. Now I know.

David Winter said...

They're pretty tasty - and really green. The recycle their bottles (get about 30% back) and all the rest of their packaging get used a bunch of times before being recycled

robertguyton said...

And when you imbibe of their sweet nectar you feel so pagan!
(Worth every penny!)