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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Act lunacy (dark version)

Hilary Calvert's bat-crazy stuff in the House is wildly hilarious, if you like that kind of acidic humour and don't take it or her at all seriously but what about Act's most recent effort to capture the hearts and minds of us New Zealanders?
John Ansell, act-yellow through and through, is heading the party's new assault on our decency with this:

"These guys (Maori) have gone from the stone age to the space age in 150 years and haven’t said thanks."

Ain't that cute! Pure, unadulterated racism from Act. There's more, but I won't put it up here. I'm sure this material will surface in our newspapers and televisions.
Act has once again, pulled its own plugs.



Unknown said...

It has already surfaced in the online media. It's in NZ Herald and Kiwiblog has a post about it.

robertguyton said...

Truth will out.
Statements like Ansell's deserve the thrashing they get.

Tired Farmer said...

Truth Will Out and John Ansell is only saying what I have no doubt many people think.

robertguyton said...

John Ansell and Don Brash and the rest of that racist crew have supporters in the community TF, it's true, just as Kyle Chapman does.

Shunda barunda said...

Good grief, these guys really are racists!!

What the hell!!

robertguyton said...

And remember Shunda, these Actoids are Key's preferred coalition partners.
What does that tell you?