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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Was that mine safe?

At the time of the Pike River Mine explosions, any questioning of the safety of the mine was met with derision and stonewalling - how dare anyone ask such un-patriotic things at a time like this, we read in our newspapers, heard on our radios and saw on our televisions. John Key would have none of that dirty talk....until just recently while on his Australian trip, when he announced that the mine wasn't safe. What was it about being in Australia that made him gainsay on this issue? Back home and he's reneging already, backed by his Minister who says the mine and others around the country are safe as houses. Perhaps she's thinking of Christchurch.
It's all very dodgy, these conflicting statements from the Government about Pike River.


Shunda barunda said...

Well quite frankly Labour and the unions had 10 years to rectify exactly this issue, but sadly due to a shift in values DIDN'T GIVE A RATS ARSE.

Labour, National, and the unions all have blood on their hands as far as I am concerned (and a lot of others around here agree).

robertguyton said...

Quite right Shunda, though the latest statement from the Minister around her perceived lack of need for mine inspectors shows me that the Nats are particularly ignorant or ar being dishonest. Labour, it seems to me, paid more head to what the unions wanted and it's the unions here who have been pointing at the elephant in the room, the safety issues, for a long time now.
That said, the mine shouldn't have been operating at all under the conditions it was, and anyone who knew what the situation was should shoulder blame.