Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gareth Hughes writes.

Young Green MP Gareth Hughes entered the Southland discussion on lignite this morning with a letter to our editor in which he outlines his objections to the proposed lignite mining by Solid Energy.

Lignite proposal has global implications

Solid Energy's lignite coal plans currently before the Gore District Council are an issue of global significance and if they go ahead, will be disastrous for the climate.
  Lignite is the lowest grade coal and will drastically increase New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions. It does matter to the climate if this coal stays safely stored or burned and the lignite is currently doing a good job propping up some gorgeous farmland.
  The proposed lignite-to-coal briquette factory south of Mataura will also have significant local impact on traffic and road wear, noise and pollution.
  Solid Energy has applied for resource consent regarding the noise impacts of this proposal. It is essential that the public make their voice heard on significant projects like this one.
  New Zealand doesn't need to exploit substandard coal and wreck our clean green brand when we have a wealth of smart green energy opportunities that will deliver real prosperity.

Green Party of Aotearoa NZ


Anonymous said...

Surely Bill English should issue a directive to Solid Energy to invest in clean energy in Southland instead... would a fiance minister and MP undermine climate policy...? That would be a bad investment and bad policy.

Wonder what Bill has to say about lignite and emissions. What are the clean energy options for the deep south... Tidal Energy near Stewart Island? Wind, biomass, woodlots, Solar???

robertguyton said...

All of the above Anonymous. Key and English have made it very clear that they view Southland as 'the engine room' of New Zealand and those spaces are traditionally oily, smoky places. Bad luck on those who live here.
I suspect that Bill is receiving directives, rather than issuing them. Probably in Mandarin.

Rosie Kaplan said...

Hi Guy Lovely little blog. I would like to follow, rather than subscribe. Any chance? You don't seem to have a follow button.

robertguyton said...

Hi Rosie - lovely to hear from you. I couldn't resist looking at your own blog and your paintings are too gorgeous!
I don't know how to follow myself - others have managed to 'sign on' but I'll look into it and see what I can see and post directions, if I can work it out. I'm looking forward to reading back through your blog - it looks delightful!

Damian said...

'Quite frankly', I would imagine that Bill English will help find a 'balanced' solution to this issue for the 'prosperity' of all New Zealanders.

We all know how sensible Bill is. He might even decide to finance the poking around for trash to just one place in the South Island. The front and back yard of a property located in Dipton.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Don, speaks mandarin...

"The Chinese were very intrigued with our new Prime Minister and his financial background," says Solid Energy's Don Elder, the sole Kiwi businessman to attend the Forum.

Last year the Don spoke in China about Southland Lignite with some possible clients for Solid Energy (which happens to be for sale):

Don Elder,
Chairman, World Coal Institute
Zhang Yuzhuo,
President & CEO, Shenhua Group

and the Don is speaking about lignite in China again this year

Bill's mate does say: "Key says he made the point that China was hugely under-represented as an investor in New Zealand..."

Maybe the Don and John Key are the ones learning mandarin... and Bill English simply has to keep the federated farmers in the dark about plans for Southland's farmland...

robertguyton said...

'Crash Test Planet' - that's very good, though sobering!
I'm in Dipton shortly, speaking to a group of gardeners. I'll suggest they do some test digging around that property - they'll not be disturbed - Bill's never there.

robertguyton said...

Rosie - I've added the 'follow' button. Perhaps I ought to have to have had it there from the start :-)
My 'followers' I have to say, are a charming and especially intelligent group of people and I'm lucky to have them signed on.

Shane Pleasance said...

What if the government stopped "supporting" any business activity? Maybe lean green innovations would bubble up on their own?

robertguyton said...

This Government seem s hell-bent on 'supporting business activity' to the extent of bailing the crappy ones out willy-nilly. AMI, South Canterbury Finance, Media Works .. there's quite a list of private companies being 'saved' with taxpayer monies. Thanks John-boy.