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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hone in the House

Yes I did very much enjoy the harsh words from Hone Harawira in the House today, decrying the Takutai Moana 2nd reading.
Hone said he was glad that he's not a member of the Maori Party caucus.
Over and over, Hone described 'this racist piece of legislation'.
I'm glad I caught it.
Now the Maori Party is going to catch it.

Shane Jones is calling this reading the poroporoaki for the Maori Party. Goodbye, he bids Tariana. Defacating, he says, that's what they are doing. Crikey!
Treachery. Hiding under the cloak of Ruaumoko, the earthquake, sneaking it in. Now he's thrashing Peter Dunne, ties him to the Coastal Coalition. Says he'll be gone at the coming election. Tau Henare yowled and bellowed from the other side of the House but Jones kept up the unrelenting criticism of the Bill. Calls Dunne a jellyfish. Why not? He's right!
Tau Henare gets his chance ... but he's a pill. Talks about Hone Harawira's 'five or six friends'. Like Dunne, rabbits on about Winston Peters. Says Boscawen has been 'lying through his teeth'. Maybe there's some good in him after all.
62 to 56, the 'ayes' have it.
Eric Roy shuffles in.
I'm off.
Oh wait, Charles Cheval congratulates Simon Power and wishes him well in his retirement. Very gracious. Says the House will be diminished.


Anonymous said...


robertguyton said...

The Hone forgot to vote!
Aue te mamae!

Shunda barunda said...

Oh dear oh dear.
Seriously Robert, you can't blame me for having my doubts.

robertguyton said...

It's funny that he missed his vote Shunda but hardly significant in terms of the result. 62 to 57 makes little difference. That said, dumb!