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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Calling all commenters

I've had some requests from people who would like to comment here but can't make their way through the required maze. These two images might help. In them  I've shown how it is easy to click the Name/Url button, then write in any name you want to be known by. Then, write your message in the white message box. Then copy the odd looking word the system provides to check that you are not spam.
Once you've done that, click 'publish your comment. Easy!
Try it on this post and show how e-capable you are!

Clear as mud!


Anonymous said...

You probably already know this Robert, but you can set your blog so that anonymous comments are disabled and people have to write a name. They can still have any name they like (and don't need a URL/web address), but it means that it's much easier to follow conversations when there aren't serial anonymice. It does help if people choose one name and stick to it of course (at least in each thread).

robertguyton said...

Thanks for that wildcrafty - I'm not too bothered by serial anonymii, so I'll leave it as it is. It makes it more fun to try to decipher comments made under the same 'anonymous' lable and I like to write 'Anonymous@2:30 - your words inspire me' etc.