Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mad comments from the home paddock

Ele Ludemann blogging as Homepaddock is a transparent promoter of the Key Government and posts slanted, pro-National opinions regularly but her latest,
"Why use wheat for ethanol when there's a food shortage" is a break from her usual fawning pro-'John' work in that it descends into petty anti-Green rhetoric like that seen more and more these past few days on right-wing blogs as the election approaches. Ludemann closes her post on the growing of wheat for ethanol production by British farmers with,

"Could it be a Green plot to reduce world population by starving people to death?"

How stupid, petty and nasty is that?
It's a new low for Homepaddock and Ms. Ludemann*

*I am a journalist by training and a bitser in practice. I do a little freelance writing, am North Otago correspondent on Newstalk ZB’s Farming Show, have a regular spot disucssing blogs and other internet sites with Jim Mora on RadioNZ’s National’s Afternoons; and a contributor to the ODT’s Paddock Talk; used to teach Spanish night classes (with the very necessary assistance of a Uruguayan friend porque mi español está oxidado) * and am a registered marriage celebrant.


Shunda barunda said...

What she doesn't seem to understand is that it is exactly the same market forces driving this issue as those driving the prices of NZ's dairy produce.
Hypocrisy much? well, we don't really expect anything else from the modern dairy industry do we.
Ele would do well to get off her high horse long enough to get a whiff of the beginnings of a mainstream backlash to all things dairy.

robertguyton said...

I sense that the dire state of the Waituna wetland will provoke some really hard thinking here in Southland, around dairying.

Shunda barunda said...

And it needs to happen.
We are getting screwed over by an industry that has no regard for the values of others.
It is a form of arrogance that will always eventually create a sustained backlash from the wider community.
People on the West coast are beginning to wonder why the hell should we care for an industry that won't sell it's products to us, won't engage with the community, and seems to love hiring rally drivers for milk tankers!
Let alone filling our rivers and lakes full of crap.

Deborah said...

I often find myself in disagreement with Ele, but I thought that was a pretty low comment from her, and an absurd one.

Deborah said...

Oh dear. I left a sentence out. I should have said that even though I often don't agree with her, at least she doesn't stoop to personal attacks.

robertguyton said...

Deborah - that is true, she doesn't and I have but her comments about the Greens are uncalled-for, untrue and particularly unpleasant in my view and I'm an unfailing defender of the Greens wherever they are attacked unfairly. My post's title 'Mad cow in the homepaddock' is a bit unnecessary, I concede and I'll change it now.

Keeping Stock said...

I hope that the "Mad cow" reference isn't directed at Ele RG; she is anything but. She's never made any secret of the fact that she is an electorate officer with the National Party, and isn't the sort to resort to personal attacks.

Keeping Stock said...

Oh, and RG; you can change the title of the post all you like, but in Blogger, the url does NOT change, as I have discovered. You will be forever tainted by Mad Cow Disease!

robertguyton said...

Not at all Inv2 - I don't resile from the title but I've had my 'fun with words' - it was the obvious title to match Ele's mad comment. In my opinion, suggesting that the Greens intend to 'reduce world population by starving people to death' is a disgraceful thing to say and it's Ele who should be wishing she'd not said what she did. You yourself, you'll remember, recently wished the Greens expelled from Parliament. They certainly have come in for some petty attacks recently, and why? I note too, that you have been encouraging me to post my thoughts on my own blog, rather than that of others. I've done just that!

Keeping Stock said...

She may well be regretting it Robert, but that's up to her; I wouldn't DARE to presume to speak for someone else :)

robertguyton said...

No sign of it Inv2. Nor any of your regretting your anti-Green, 'we'd be better of if they just went away altogether' comments either. I thought those were pretty petty and disappointing.

Shunda barunda said...

Ele is a mad cow if she is talking like this.
Her own industry is the one that needs the serious ethics shake up.

David Winter said...

It was bizarre h'uh?

I enjoy Ele's blog because she presents things I disagree with in an even and sensible way (way more interesting to be challenged than supported) presume is was just meant as a joke and didn't quite come across?

robertguyton said...

Hard to say David. Ele could explain her comment perhaps but I'm avoiding Homepaddock because I'm in Grave Danger there, from an irate old man who doesn't enjoy my sense of humour!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - the post was written in haste then I was too busy with real life to read your blog and see the reaction.

The last comment was hyperbole, I was thinking - but realise that wasn't obvious - not of the Green Party but the eco-extremists who have talked about population control as a measure to save the planet.

P.S. - in Grave Danger? Not from a difference of opinion surely.

homepaddock said...

P.S. to my comment above: I've just written a post apologising on my blog but as your readers might not see it I'll repeat the important bit here. I was wrong, I'm sorry and I apologise unreservedly.

robertguyton said...

Green with a capital 'G' Ele. An easy mistake to make. Hope I don't make anything similar.
It's GD's health I'm worried about. To much provocation and 'pop!' - don't want that on my conscience.

robertguyton said...

Good on you Ele. You don't owe me an apology of course, but you've proved yourself to be of good character. I'm certain my 'readers' will be assured now of your intentions.
I bet some of your own will chastise you now for 'going soft' on the mad Greens!
You should read the letter in today's Southland Times that lambastes the tree-huggers for their opposition to lignite mining!!
Yeee ha!