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Thursday, February 17, 2011

I/S calls 'foul' on Solid National

"This is policy failure on a grand scale, and it is going to cost us hundreds of millions of dollars. A serious, credible policy would have made it clear that Solid Energy's project would not  be allowed to proceed. Instead, it is likely to receive free carbon credits. So the government is going to subsidize the undermining of its own targets, and the destruction of the global environment."

That's how Idiot/Savant feels about Brownlee's Question Time performance around challenges over Solid Energy's plans to mine lignite in Southland.

He closes with: "National's climate policy is empty spin - targets, without any policy to meet them. Can I have some grown ups in charge of the country, please?"


Keeping Stock said...

So you've gone onto I/S's blog and congratulated him then Robert? Oh; that's right; I/S doesn't allow comments. Funny that ... he must be a "little dictator" too!

robertguyton said...

I guess so Inv2 though there is a difference when someone like you or I invite comments. That means we have to ride the wave they produce. Don't get too trigger-happy with your delete button though! A link that you deemed 'off-thread' is no good reason to fire someone contribution into the bin :-)

Anonymous said...

David C from Labour called national's environmental record pure bluegreen-wash at the Ecological Economics conference in Wellington last year, in front of Nick Smith.

He also spoke about peak oil, transition towns, his interest in bee keeping that is rising and how neoliberalism is over.

Nick Smith talked about economic growth and free trade. and not a word about Lignite from Nick.

robertguyton said...

Let's ask Nick and Solid some questions then, in the interest of fairness and transparency.
I'd like to hear their explanations about how they will capture the green house gas produced and where they are going to put it for all time.
In fact, I've got just such a question in the pipeline...