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Friday, January 7, 2011

Boob spot

You know, the dot that the borstal boys used to get while they were inside, their mark of honour. Perhaps they still get them, who knows but at our Invercargill Prison there's a new boob spot and it's over the fence and on the street opposite. We know because there are cameras recording any activity that occurs there and some does, we are told in today's paper, and it's not acceptable.
Women, tantalising the prisoners with displays of their wares, the headline would have us believe,
"Prison flashers prompt police probe"
Doing a little probing myself, I discovered that the offence being breathlessly reported on here involved
a woman removing her bra from under her clothing and draping it on a fence.
I don't know about you but I'm incensed!
It must have been humiliating for the fence!
It's (yes!) offensive behaviour!
No wonder there's action being taken by the police and a report in the newspaper.
The clincher for me, and a measure of the seriousness of the matter was this statement from Constable David Barclay, who said,
"Communicating with a prisoner in any form is a breach of the Corrections Act and attracts a maximum penalty of three years imprisonment or a fine of $2000."
What a boob!


Farmer Baby Boomer said...

Robert, you do post on a variety of subjects don't you!

Anonymous said...

3 years is not enough!

Suz said...

Surely she deserves a commendation for public service? Like Gerrit, I had trouble with the Name/URL last night when I commented under Pingu, but it later came right?

robertguyton said...

I try to keep abreast of the issues FBB.

robertguyton said...

Bioneer - and would she serve her time in there with the lads?

robertguyton said...

Suz - and I'd like to pin that medal to her ...

I'm not sure what is happening with the URL thingy. I know others have said they've tried unsuccessfully to post comments and have had them disappear into hyper-space. Sometimes that's for the best :-)

Suz said...

I dunno..your commentators seem far more sane than on many other sites! My comment came up, but under anonymous. Wishing all you good folk a great day tomorrow with your parade, and I hope the braless good Samaritan has her own float.

robertguyton said...

Suz - you're right, my readers are especially considerate and reasonable - I only hope I never attract the attentions of the likes of greenfly, mudfly, gladfly ...whatever those pests like to call themselves! :-)
Like you, I am hoping Miss Prisoner's Friend 2011 makes an appearance at our parade. We'd welcome her with open arms (and she us I'm thinking!)

Suz said...

Indeed pesty little buggers, that fly family, especially since their content could proudly be fronted by a real name!

Anonymous said...

Is the ST short of news or staff this week? I was wondering why David Bain's holiday plans warranted the front page the other day.

robertguyton said...

Both Wildcrafty - there have been some truly bizarre articles in the pages of our Times this past week - I love it when they do that.
Why haven't they run a piece on Bill English and his very, very dodgy behaviour over PEDA - $4.8 million handed out by Bill with no proper procedure shown at all! It's a scandal waiting for a journalist.
Perhaps I'll put something up and see if I can hook someone :-)

robertguyton said...

Suz - they're lucky I don't release Flygantor!
(In fact, I just might ...)

Suz said...

Christ, what a dumb-ass am I, thinking you were above trolling on wwdathort...thought you greenies had more class than that...obviously not.

robertguyton said...

Suz - here's the thing. I'm showing whowudda and pdm the difference between someone who asks genuine questions, though they may be difficult to take, and trolling. FLYGANTOR is a troll for sure! And a one-day-wonder. I'd have thought you'd appreciate the example.
Being Green, btw, doesn't mean not having a sense of humour.
Quite the opposite I believe.

ZenTiger said...

"Communicating with a prisoner in any form is a breach of the Corrections Act and attracts a maximum penalty of three years imprisonment or a fine of $2000."

Can't wait until the arrest the media, throw them in jail and take away the TVS that they used to communicate with.

And I wonder if the prison guards are regularly arrested and thrown in jail for communicating with the prisoners?

Wait, let me guess. One rule for them and another for us?

robertguyton said...

Bald statements from the police are always entertaining ZT. I'm especially keen on the hard-nosed pronouncements about 'fleeing drivers' - Dalek-speak usually, with a hint of daft.