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Sunday, December 5, 2010


Farmers further north are signalling to the Government and the public that come a summer drought, they're going to need 'Government assistance' to get them through.
Farming's a business and the request for this kind of help begs the question: is the business of farming Government guaranteed?
I'm betting there are a lot of non-farming businesses keen to talk to the Government in the same way.
I'd like to know, and I'll be looking for information on this, what preparations the northern farmers are making to help themselves through the expected drought.


Anonymous said...

There has been a lot of ignorant talk about "hand-outs" to farmers who have been "raping and pillaging the landscape"
I thought you might have done just a little homework on the subject
Here is a hint, most of the financial cost of the"hand-out" is money paid to consultants who help with the mental stress of drought
There is also money available to allow food to be bought by people in the very worst financial positions Another hint, this is mostly used by low order share milkers, I thought the left and green was prepared to help those in difficulty
And so it goes but hey don't let the facts get in the way of good headline

robertguyton said...

RAF - Despite the headline, I used 'Government assistance' to describe what might be asked for.
You'll have noticed too, that I didn't describe farmers activities as 'raping and pillaging the landscape', in fact I haven't criticised their behaviour at all, other than asking about their preparations for the expected drought.
I wonder what your thoughts are regarding the 'consultants' that are going to be recipient to Government funding?
Is that good and necessary, given that the farmers 'know' what's coming and in fact have had experience of it before?
I think you are right in believing that the 'left and green' are prepared to help those in difficulty. That's why I've asked why business is asking for support ahead of the difficulty. There is a difference between individuals in strife and business suffering from predictable events. Drought is not an earthquake - it's not sudden nor an act of God, we know it's coming, waat it will do and how to prepare for it.
Of course I may be wrong about all this and that's why I posed the question and why I value your comments.

nick said...

Prepare yourself, retch material:

Radio NZ reporting Fonterra "committed to sustainable growth". Ha!

Anonymous said...

Ag. 101 A dry paddock. Treat regularly with handouts (available at your nearest govt)