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Monday, November 8, 2010

Niho Taniwha

I'm at the museum for the next 5 weeks!
The Southland Museum & Art Gallery's resident teacher is having a baby and doesn't want to be in the classroom when that happens, so I'm subbing for her. My first visit by a group of students will be at 9:0am today and those fresh-scrubbed, uniformed and quizzical young folk will doubtless want to try the new teacher. Let them. I'll bore them into submission with dusty descriptions of bones and feathers, rocks and old stuff.
In fact, I'm introducing this Year 8 crew to the Mo Tatou exhibition of Ngai Tahu culture and history. It's a very engaging show and full of great artifacts that I'll use as talking points, especially those objects that were used in the procurement of food and materials, mahi nga kai, such as patu tuna of which there is an intriguing stone 'eeling club', poha titi, matau, toki, kete, hinaki te mea te mea. 
Could be a long day though, in the Big Pyramid!
At least I'll not age, eh Cheops! 


Shunda barunda said...

What is that picture Greenfly?

Shunda barunda said...

I'm having a bad night!