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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

National's yacht becalmed

Idiot/Savant at NoRightTurn doesn't think we're in safe economic hands at the moment.

"National's insistence on cuts, cuts, cuts is causing economic stagnation. Their refusal to stimulate the economy is keeping people out of work. Having been left in a perfect position by Michael Cullen to ride out the recession, they have squandered that opportunity, and are instead driving us deeper into a hole"


Shunda barunda said...

Yes! Ride it out on the billion dollar train set!
Yeeeee harrr!!!

robertguyton said...

Coastal shipping Shunda. Cycle lanes. Te Ara Roa. Electrified rail in the stinkin' cities.

Shunda barunda said...

Yeah! Stinkin' cites!
They stink!

robertguyton said...

So does much of the dairyfied countryside.
It's those effluent plumes swooshing, splurting, squelching.

Shunda barunda said...

Didya get my email?