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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Forestry - an excuse for farmers to do whatever they want!

"The proposed NES for Forestry could more aptly be called the ‘let the farmers do what they want’ standard. Not only does it enable just about anything to do with harvesting plantation forest, it also makes any earthworks or quarrying within the rural environment a permitted activity (not subject to the resource consent process), except when it is in an area prone to erosion. This would mean all farmers can use the NES to bypass earthworks controls aimed at protecting landscapes and water quality, regardless of whether or not the earthworks or quarrying is for forestry purposes."

James Henderson, writing for The Standard sounds the clarion for all councils and those people who value a truly clean, green environment and points the finger straight at Nick Smith. Most interesting is his description of the sneaky manner in which this NES was presented - 'in between councils' during the change-over period we are in now.

"Nick Smith knew that this wouldn’t go down well with Councils who regulate forestry activities with the aim of protecting water quality, biodiversity, and landscape values. So guess what, the consultation period for the new NES is during the local government elections recess period, i.e. the NES was proposed after Councils could formally consider it, and submissions close in mid October, before any new Councils have had their first meeting of the new triennium."



Shunda barunda said...

Dirty buggers!
This is exactly what they will do here on the Coast Robert, our landscapes and waterways are probably the most at risk in NZ.
I can't stand this attitude!

robertguyton said...

Don't stand (for it) Shunda!
Go feral on them!
(You're not ever going to get a job as P.R. man for the Coast!)

Shunda barunda said...

Don't tempt me Robert.
But I need to be very careful how I go about confronting these issues.
I need educating in the ways of the intelligent activist! (I have the hot head bit down- it doesn't seem to work)

frog said...

For what it is worth, Robert, I have given you a wee bit of support on this (and stolen this blog post) over here.


robertguyton said...

I'll see if I can find one to advise you Shunda. Might have to mung our emails :-)

robertguyton said...

Thanks Frog!
Your blog is a great resource for any one on a regional council and I'll certainly be watching your posts as closely as ever I did, especially where you are covering 'environmental' issues.
I'm planning to keep my blog running throughout my tenure and discuss, wherever possible, the things I learn from the 'inside'.