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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dastardly deliberations over deputy

Pushing and shoving's par for the course it seems, for the councillors of the City Council, around the issue of who should sit in the chair beside the mayor. Who will it be that gets to strap themselves into the deputy's seat - Kruger or Ludlow? All eyes, including those of the media, are on the ruckus.
Newby Lloyd Esler must be feeling 'possum in the headlighty' on discovering that, by keeping his own council, he's become king (or queen) maker! Pity the poor fool etc. Lloyd's phone would be ringing itself off its hook, but I'm betting its been uncradled for a while now and anyway, Lloyd's never home, he's usually out looking for wreck of a different sort!
And what of our Regional Council? How mature we seem, how measured, with nary a skerrick of news in the rag that might indicate a similar stouch for the box seat. Curious!

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