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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Homepaddock's Word of the day

Bescumber – to spray with excrement, to discharge ordure or dung upon.

Thanks for that Ele!


homepaddock said...

Could be useful in a gardening sense, and unpleasant in a political or personal one.

robertguyton said...

In a farming sense, it's a good thing but as you know, too much of a good thing...
I think our landscape is seriously over-bescumbered and the problem extends to the towns and cities where we foolishly bescumber our rivers and lakes, bays and seas.
We should collectively be very ashamed of our bescumbering ways.

homepaddock said...

The days of indiscriminate and/or over bsecumbering should be numbered.

robertguyton said...

It's my great hope.
Tomorrow I'll publish a letter I received today from a farmer on this very subject.
She believes we have bescumbered not only our landscape but also our souls.