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Monday, July 12, 2010

Homepaddock and The Inquiring Mind join the fray

Ele Ludemann and Adam Smith,


both have concerns over dairying, the public perception of farming and my view of Fonterra's call for investment in electricity infrastructure in today's Southland Times.
Their individual approaches to the discussion are very different and while I'm enjoying watching their arguments and those of their supporters unfold online, I can't help but wonder how much more fun it would be to be debating face to face.
Perhaps they'll pop in to Orokonui while Farmageddon is playing out!


adamsmith1922 said...

Maybe we could look at some kind of real time on-line debate sometime

As I am sure you have noted Ele and I whilst of a probably similar political viewpoint overall differ in a number of areas.

One of the reasons why increasingly I find left and right labels simplistic

robertguyton said...

Agreed Adam, 'left' and 'right' don't serve well, especially over issues that blend environment, economy and social factors, as the dairying issue does.
On-line debate is fraught with difficulties, not the least being the tendency for people to circumnavigate difficult questions or to 'hit and run' with statements that are more trouble than they are worth to haul them up on. nevertheless, it's fun.
'Political viewpoint' is no barrier to me, as I like to tease out the details of an issue and see if it has really been thought through closely. Therein lies the truth, I believe.