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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cage fighting in the South

It's barbaric, bloody and to most Southlanders, shameful - grown men slugging  it out in a no-holds barred bash-fest, the crowd baying for blood and gore. Or should that be at Gore?
Last night's Explain-the-ETS meeting with Nick Smith and Eric Roy held in the Southland town turned very ugly as the crowd cast polite discourse aside and hammered the engineers of the Emissions Trading Scheme with denials, taunts and threats, all at full volume and backed by air-stabbing fingers.

"Several times during the presentation Mr Roy had to call for order in the crowd and at one stage he even had to step into the crowd to calm some people down" (Southland Times 17 July)

It was, according to reports, a bitter, ignorance-fueled affair - and that in reference to the National MPs' - the crowd were almost as bad themselves.
Oh, and the cage fight at Stadium Southland was ugly too.


Anonymous said...

Did you get to witness first-hand?

robertguyton said...

I was having dinner that night,(Great carrot cake and awesome vege bake) with my son and his delightful partner.
(Great carrot cake and awesome vege bake).
Watching Smith and Roy dodge and weave, while fun enough, wouldn't compare with that.

Colin E mcIntyre said...

ccAlong with many other, no doubt wavering, National Party members, I attended Dr Smith’s Emissions Trading Scheme meeting at Gore 15/7/10.

The event reminded me of the good old fashioned political shows enjoyed before the world became so politically correct.

In MHOP Dr Smith speaks eloquently, but infuriates his audience by refusing to budge from the now highly suspect International Panel of Climate Change dogma.
To allocate one hour to Bill English’s Clutha Southland Electorate for a meeting of this importance , more so especially after NZ has entered the ETS fiasco, reinforces how out of touch the Nat’s are with Democracy and how little they understand about their supporters.

robertguyton said...

Colin - thanks for your views. I'd have loved to have been there (I had a previous engagement, as Eric Roy so often says) and I thought there would be fireworks of one sort or another. The ETS is an appalling waste, in my view, and National's arrogant treatment of the public does them no credit. I suppose they believe that the farmers, most grumpy at the pointlessness of National's ETS, have no where else to go on polling day. That might be the case, unless thgere's someone out there with some gumption, willing to challenge English and Roy.
We'll see.