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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baiting the baiters.

The 'fishing' season must be approaching. There are nets hanging for sale outside of our local hardware store. I have, for a very long time, questioned the practices around whitebaiting and the so-called management of the galaxid fishery. Many of those practices are poor and efforts by the industry to manage the health of the fishery, are a sham. My criticisms aren't aimed at the recreational whitebaiter but at those who exploit the fishery and the rules around it in order to make money. I've no time either for those who destroy and damage whitebait habitat and down here in Southland, that's a high proportion of our rivers.
As part of my protest, I had this t-shirt printed and I wear it wherever I think it might be noticed.
In this photo, it's hanging on the line having been washed in preparation for the 2010 season. 


Shunda barunda said...

You would not survive 5 mins here with that on!!
Big money in zee whitebait.
People are actually preparing (and guarding) their spots already here.
Some people make 10's of thousands of dollars a year, and wherever there is money there is mischief.

robertguyton said...

That's the size of it Shunda,
It's rumoured that the West Coast rivers are inexaustable, whitebait wise, being fresh and remote. Is that true?
Over here on the plains, the threat is from the destruction of spawning areas mainly. Most of the poaching that occurs is from the mouths of the rivers at the beaches and done at night. As you indicate, big business. The best way to stop it is consumer pressure. Good luck with that!
I'd wear my shirt on the Coast, for sure!
It seems crazy, catching and eating the young of a fish species. maybe I'll make another t-shirt with something about eating babies on it, then come over for a visit.

Mike Joy said...

Fantastic stuff Robert so few people realise that 4 of the 5 whitebait species are now listed as threatened. They are on they way out because of impacts mostly farming but whitebaiting is the nail in the coffin, and the absurd thing is its driven by $ if they had the same protection as trout (i.e. can't be bought or sold they might last a wee bit longer.
I'd love a T shirt how can I get one?