Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Southland Times candidate profile

Robert Guyton
Writer, Forest Gardener, Orchardist.

Councilor, Environment Southland

I like Southland's weather. The changeability and variety of our climate is a good thing. It means there are plenty of surprises from one day to another. If you have outdoor work to be done, it's best to get onto it soon as possible, in case the weather turns. Our weather's a great motivator.

My favourite meal is breakfast and I love scrambled eggs. Everybody does them differently. Mine are more like an omlete, but my wife's are as fluffy as clouds. Fresh parsley from the garden makes all scrambled eggs magnificent.

The regional council is heavy with farmers. Council decisions favour farming at the expense of the environment, in my view. I challenge proposals that lead to the expansion of farming and the loss of natural places and resources, like fresh water. Representatives of the towns and city like me have to speak up on every issue that would turn the countryside into one big farm, because we all need forests and rivers to visit and enjoy. In any case, our drinking water comes from there, so it mustn't get polluted.


Unknown said...

Anyone who can say big words like changeability deserves a vote.
Interesting reading the profiles that no one has mentioned our farmed products as their favourite food. Roast lamb is the one thing I miss when on holiday mainly because I am to tight to buy it off a menu in a restaurant.
Our long serving ex MP should have mentioned something with gravy as he has been on that train for many years.

robertguyton said...

Ha! Toot,toot! Slurp,slurp!
The people I met today around the traps weren't fans of Eric. But the machine grinds on...