Monday, September 19, 2016

Blisters from digging

That's what you get. Nothing a little axle-grease and a cotton bandage won't fix!


Unknown said...

argh no! Looks really sore :-(

robertguyton said...

It does look that way. Another day's digging today hasn't helped either :-)
Tomorrow morning, we're digging up the Monowai Collection (40 trees, driving them to the lake and planting them in the afternoon. Then, on Friday, the Otautau Collection comes out and goes home - another 30 trees - Robyn's happy, I'm a little anxious :-)
Article in tomorrow's Southland Times, who covered today's event, Kavinda on camera.

Unknown said...

This is sounding a lot like the plot of "Holes"! Will pick up a copy of the times to see :) Rest those hands!!

robertguyton said...

Funny you should say that! The high school children helping to plant talked about the book in exactly the same way today. I'm posting a photo and you'll see why. The over-enthusiastic digger driver who prepared the holes, made them...generous, to say the least! Filling them in, with tree included, was a mission!