Friday, July 1, 2016

Surely no fiord farms - Southland Times June 29

Lately there's been a great deal of breathless talk about aquaculture from our Southland business leaders and politicians, many of whom have just returned from visiting the fiords of Norway where fish are cage-farmed.

We read (June 27) that the Norwegians see the fiords as "an extension of the land" and suitable for farming. I wonder if our businessmen and political
leaders are looking at our own fiords with the same eye to farming them.

Fiordland is a national park and got that way because New Zealanders wanted the mountains and fiords protected from exploitation such as mining
and farming. Do the "tweaks to government legislation" that National's Sarah Dowie talks about, mean they intend to erode Fiordland's protection in order to farm the fiords?

The fiords are pristine, unique and sensitive marine environments; surely there are no plans afoot to turn them into farms.

Robert Guyton


Armchair Critic said...

Yeah farms in the fjords seems like a really bad idea.

Unknown said...

This government appears quite happy change the rules regarding National Parks if they think there is buck in it.'pressured'-over-chopper-landings

Unknown said...

There is nothing that isn't for sale under this government.
Its interesting that they come back from these trips all enthused about things but forget to report the facts such as Norway is on the doorstep of Europe when we are remote from any markets so really a different kettle of fish.
The answer to NZ's economy was laid out in tonights Country Calendar. Its not about obsessing about production, its about thinking about quality. Niche marketing. The wine industry is doing it pretty well by creating individual wines and the same should be happening with cheese and local produced meats. The Fonterra model is only serving their overpaid staff and few would know the names of the cheeses they produce. We need to see Orepuki Blue Cheese competing with Hokonui Cheddar and Morton Mains Mozzarella. Think about the Bluff oyster and how its cemented itself into the peoples minds and they pay over $2 per oyster. We need to get past the cheaper is best thinking driven by supermarkets that happily push produce from and country that will sell it cheap enough

robertguyton said...

Why, Philip, are you not sitting where Tom Campbell has positioned himself? Your idea sound, to borrow a word from the Fiordland issue.

Unknown said...

Why? Because every-time you talk about something from the left field to many people in the south get precious and take it personally.
We are at the mercy of Trip Advisor and while we dont agree with all the comments posted we have leanrt to accept them as someones opinions. Invercargill has a very closed group that circles the wagons any time someone comes along with thinking that doesnt suit what they think. Thats why I admire you for sticking by what you believe in when it is often at odds with the status quo.
I have written to the Regional Growth group saying forget the big and new and think first about how to do what we do right now better and smarter. Not sure they got it but did get brief reply.
Have been critical of the " Friendly" brand the ICC has spent thousands on as its about as bad as the City of Water and Light. Means nothing. We need to aspire to something that grabs peoples attention and the Transport Museum has started something that could be expanded. Tourists want to talk, touch and understand who we are and where we have come from. Our heritage. The first farmer that makes their milking shed a viewing place for people to come and see will be able to milk half the cows and make twice the money.
Lastly I would say have a look at the other things Tom is involved with and you can see the old boys network is not far from the surface and I dont see much happening. Hopefully I will be proved wrong.

robertguyton said...

I believe you are on the button, Philip. I've locked horns already and not surprisingly. Tom seemed not to be able to interpret my words at all - foreign language, it seemed. He was not alone in that. It's an interesting experience, explaining something in clear terms and being met by silence and bemused looks. Different world views have different languages.