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Monday, March 23, 2015

Most excruciatingly boring post in blogging history...

...goes to this one from the Homepaddock. Ele Ludmann and her horrid crew have made history with this pointless, aimless, content-free piece of Tory puffery.
Read it and weep. Really though, just don't bother :-)


Armchair Critic said...

I did bother, it was a woftam. The thread reminds me of the often edited out "you're a []" ... "no, you're a []" scene from Muriel's Wedding.
Poor old Tracey is still wallowing in her unacknowledged and paranoia-induced guilt complex. Sometimes nothing changes and nothing happens, and HP is a prime example.

robertguyton said...

I've been permantly banned from Homepaddock, AC. That's Kiwiblog (3x Permanant Ban), Keeping Stock (Permanant Ban) and now Ludmann's blog. Best thing that ever happened to me. What a Black Hole that place was. Now, I'm fully engaged in the Harvest Festival and irt's a biggie! I'll post about all that as it unfolds. I'm coming up to the North Island for a long holiday soon. I'd like to catch up.

Armchair Critic said...

Good work. I never read Kiwiblog, ever, there's always been something better to do. Tony should still be hanging his head in shame after DP, and I've already said my bit about Ele's blog. Once again I regret visiting.
You are more than welcome at my place; it's pretty tidy at the moment. We harvested the pumpkins and I spent the weekend shovelling about ten tons of manure and woodchip (all by hand) onto a trailer and taking it up the road to a neighbour, they kindly gave me some jam and an elderflower tree. Email or phone when you know more about your itinerary.
There's a fair chance I'll be back in Christchurch for a bit over winter, too, if that suits. Gerry is looking for an excuse to stomp further on what remains of democracy and I'm doing my little and obscure contribution toward stopping him.

robertguyton said...

Excellent! I'll be in touch.

Unknown said...

mmm it does make you wonder at the intellect behind the words. Always find it interesting that some people think employment law will create good employers. Bit like saying the speed limit creates good drivers.
Maybe those lights in the south lately are from some aliens that are going to take over the world by infecting humans with large doses of idiocy.

Armchair Critic said...

I wonder at the intellect, Philip. This GCSB spying on Tim Groser's WTO competitors is bad enough, but the idea that "it's the GCSB's job to spy, this is spying, therefore it's OK" has me gobsmacked. By that same logic we could argue it's the army's job to shoot people, so it doesn't matter who they shoot because that's their job. And suddenly we have the My Lai Massacre, which even the US armed forces can admit was not ok. It does get worse, though. The same group of idiots that think what the GCSB did is OK includes people who can't see anything wrong with gunning down defenceless civilians. Arguing with that volume of stupid is futile, let them have it. And that's why, at least in part, homepaddock is not worth visiting.