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Saturday, January 10, 2015

In case I get visitors from The Standard...

Here are some links to some of our stuff.



Southland Times



Temperate climate permaculture


Unknown said...

Hi Robert, I look forward to reading your post on the Standard. It's usually a good site to visit for an intelligent left wing perspective. I find I feel a lot better after reading it than I did when I used to read and comment at that right wing tory echo chamber up the road from me. I've added my ten cents worth to the comments on Dave's post (a bit of a tangent, but he mentioned diabetes and the lack of information on the GI of foods is an important issue IMHO) regards, Viv

robertguyton said...

I saw your comment there, corokia. I have sent them a post, somewhat quirky and I hope amusing but as it doesn't fit their usual format, they may not wish to publish it. I enjoy The Standard, though yesterday's "Open Mike" was dreadful and hopefully a never to be repeated aberration. As to Ele's blog, I have, for my sins, re-engaged there in order to add some weight to Dave's efforts. I'm abrasive there, as they are knee-jerkingly anti-Green, anti-reason and bullies to boot :-) Mainly, I like playing with words and frustrating those who are puffed-up with their own importance and self-belief. As you'd expect, they dislike me intensely

Armchair Critic said...

Ugh. That open mike was dire, one of the worst I've ever seen. There's a couple of commenters who, once you see their name in a thread, you can skip down for miles and miles. They are a big factor in why I've pretty much given up on blogs.
You should write a post for TS, if that's the direction your life is taking you. I've not been back to Ele or Tony's since I realised that commenting there is just like scrubbing the back of an exceptionally grubby toilet while the owner is using it. In short, really gross.

robertguyton said...

Ha! Toilet jokes, they're the best. Did I mention that Phil Ure came to visit me several years ago? He's a very nice bloke, loves his dogs and is very well informed. Blogging brings out the worst in him, or rather, other commenters do. I enjoy his of writing and puzzle over why others find it irritating. Mind you, I've read The Faireie Queen, James Joyce's Ulysses and Hoban's Riddley Walker, so unorthodox language doesn't bother me :-)
I've returned to the home paddock for the fun of boarding the blue crew. It may be a short-lived pleasure. Once the nastiness starts, I'll skive.
Doing 5 days of filming for Country Calendar soon. More useful broadcast opportunity. Grew dozens of nectarine trees this year and have planted them, as well as several other collections of 'smaller" trees, amongst the already established forest of fruiting trees here. Getting crowded in a good way.

robertguyton said...

boarding? boraxing!

Unknown said...

Hi AC. I don't usually read open mike (sounds like that was a good call yesterday). I read the posts and only sometimes trawl through the comments. i have teenagers, so get enough bickering at home. When I occasionally check out Homepaddock, its just same old, same old. I'd rather write to the paper about issues that concern me, more open minded people are likely to read that than at HP I reckon.

Unknown said...

We are heading home across the Canterbury plains after watching the finish of the NZ cycle champs. Spent a few days in MacKenzie country too. All these dairy farms look so out of place in such landscapes, no wonder the rivers are being ruined. Maybe when the dairy boom is over and/or the Nor-westers have broken the massive irrigators, the steam punk crews will build enormous cool sculptures with their remains. Your country calender programme will be a refreshing tonic to watch after all these huge dairy farms. I put in heaps of bean poles before going away, will be interesting to see how much the 10 varieties of beans have grown. (Mostly dried types, good for diabetics.)

robertguyton said...

10 types! Awesome! Irrigation is being discussed/pushed over in the paddock. Breathlessly.

Armchair Critic said...

Thanks CG, happy new year to you too. You didn't miss anything on the open mike, it was terrible. I'd love to reminisce about the wonderful time I'd had at homepaddock, but that would make for a short conversation. The nicest I can say is Ele should change her tagline to something like "demonstrating why freedom of speech is not all it's cracked up to be since....forever".
I don't mind Phil comments or style, Robert, though I never read his comments because they are quite predictable. I've already read every argument he presents.