If that was a drubbing where is Monbiots facts? He just spouts the same rhetoric about 98% of scientists blah blah blah. There was more emotion and no facts in Monbiots narrative.
As Bellamy points out fundamental to all the Gorebull Warming BS, there is no proven link between CO2 and warming. There is just an unproven theory.
NASA thinks Antarctic ice sheet is growing: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20120013495
It appears Arctic ice is also recovering from its low in 2012: http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php
And to cap it off, it seems approx 80% of the Himalayan Glaciers have been stable for decades: http://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/106/07/1008.pdf
If that was a drubbing where is Monbiots facts? He just spouts the same rhetoric about 98% of scientists blah blah blah. There was more emotion and no facts in Monbiots narrative.
As Bellamy points out fundamental to all the Gorebull Warming BS, there is no proven link between CO2 and warming. There is just an unproven theory.
NASA thinks Antarctic ice sheet is growing: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20120013495
It appears Arctic ice is also recovering from its low in 2012: http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php
And to cap it off, it seems approx 80% of the Himalayan Glaciers have been stable for decades: http://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/106/07/1008.pdf
Go figure...
You are my David Bellamy, Paranormal.
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