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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Night viewing


Armchair Critic said...

Happy new year Robert. Best wishes to you and your family for 2015.

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Ac. I hope you and your family flourish in '15 and that all of the things we wish for come to pass. I'm excited by what I'm seeing and learning and hope you are similarly enthused about the future. It can look dreary, until you pick up a 'certain thread' and I reckon I have hold of it :-) I'm looking forward to hearing from you in the (early) new year.


DarkHorse said...

Happy New Year RG

30mm of rain on the parched garden last night - a good start to the year

robertguyton said...

Same, Darkhorse - happy new year wishes that is. I hope yours will be a very good one. Quenching a parched garden is a good start indeed and you should see bounteous growth coupled with the high temperatures and long daylight hours you'll be getting. Here, there is plenty of residual soil moisture, in the forest-garden, if not on the farms, and growth is vigorous to say the least. The season was delayed through a grey and soggy spring, but now it's all joyous green growth and fruit a'poppin'.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year from coastal east Otago. We've only had 20.5 mm in December, so shelter and mulching is showing its value now. Lovely to have sunshine though. Wishing for sunny days and rain at night for everyone 2015.

fredinthegrass said...

Here's to the time ahead, Rg.
Looking forward to your wisdom, wit, pithy commentating, and your delightful appreciation of some of the finer moments in our "universe'.
To you and yours, health, happiness, and a bountiful harvest in your wonderful forest garden.

robertguyton said...

Hey, corokia green, lovely to hear from you. Sunny days and rainy nights will be delightful and thanks for organising that! Here, growth is abundant (as the hogweed illustrates :-) and the fruit copious in quantity.

robertguyton said...

Fred - you are so kind. I wish you the same good fortune and hope to meet up with you some day.