Sunday, June 1, 2014

Oamaru Sunday

It's been yet another fine and fabulous day in Oamaru, steaming punkin' 'n' all. The market was great, though modest in size, as there were good and interesting people there, including Maggie and the roasted-chestnut people. The Hinewai people too, and others. A very social time.

Someone spilt something on the footpath during the night and the hotel staff washed it off in the morning :-)

At the fashion show, there were sights to see! I couldn't do justice to them with my camera, that doesn't like low light, but grabbed a few images. I especially liked the young woman who hitched rides on time machines by offering her services as a mechanic and came prepared with an apron festooned with useful tools. Her story and costume were excellent if understated, the best way to be.

These are largely audience shots - I've others to post tomorrow, of the paradees. 
Below is a shot of something I saw a lot of; steampunkers out and about the town, enjoying the sun, each other and Oamaru. It was a good time.

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