Saturday, May 31, 2014

Steamed pumpkin, Oamaru

The fire festival in Oamaru's 'Old Quarter' was a mixed bag. I had great fun, because I met a friend, all 'steamed-up' and we waded through the crowd together, stopping over and over when asked, "Can I take your picture?" We were happy to oblige. The highlight for me, aside from the posing, was the illuminated building. It was astonishing, the way the projected image turned a cold Oamaru-stone facade into a vibrant tumble of images that pulsated with colour and movement. That alone was enough to make the evening worthwhile. As well, the visit to the cycle museum and the conversation with David-the-penny-farthing-guy, made the night. We met steamy women brandishing ray guns, and couples dressed mix-and-match steampunk - all good fun and silly-as. Here are some fiery pics to illustrate the night's progress. Afterwards, I headed for Moeraki and a great discussion with Dugald.

The pulsating building

Traction engine - all lit up like a Christmas tree 

Flaming spawn of Audrey

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