Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ready to whittle up a storm


darkhorse said...

if you want some nice chunks of macro or sycamore upon which to vent you whittlin irges do drop in next time you are passing

also have a few bits of ancient totara and could even run to a bit of walnut

have some nice aged hawthorn and and some laurel as well

robertguyton said...

The man who has everything!
I'm coming through on the 29th. Will try to take the road that leads to your place. I have yabber to share.

darkhorse said...

well if logs and chainsaw equate to everything~! at least most of everything "-)
bed(s) available if required

robertguyton said...

I'm heading through to Oamaru, as Linnaeus Brugmansia, gentleman botanist and I'll be clinking and clanking with all my Steampunk bits and bobs. Installed a fob-watch tonight, with fish ornamentation.

darkhorse said...

doesn't steampunk hint of a coalburning contradiction

as an artform I am aged enough to find it feels familiar

robertguyton said...

Yes, though it's set in the present, so alternatives to coal-burning would not have been so demonised as alternatives to petroleum are - it's the depth of the addiction that drives it.