Saturday, May 24, 2014

Letter to the editor - smoking!

There's a pattern emerging with the candidates the National Party is offering to voters this coming election.
  Big Tobacco is having an extraordinary influence over who gets chosen to represent voters around the country. 
  Clutha/Southland has been served-up an ex-tobacco lobbyist, fresh from tobacco giant Philip Morris, but he's not alone. 
  Now, a second pro-tobacco, trained by the tobacco industry candidate has been foisted upon the Hutt South electorate. 
  It seems the National Party is using the giant tobacco companies as recruiting grounds for their candidates. We should be worried by this. 
  Tobacco smoking kills unacceptably high numbers of New Zealanders every year and these candidates have been active in promoting smoking, against the tide of change away from smoking that the country is taking. 
  If they were to get into Parliament, would they be compromised and influenced by their past? 
  I think so. 
  We don't need pro-tobacco MPs in our Government.

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