Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Laila - Leader


Unknown said...

Nope puppet would be the term.
To many souls on sale in NZ politics today

robertguyton said...

I suspected you'd take that position, Philip.
I think differently about the strategy. It's a winner, I reckon. A win for the Left.

Unknown said...

mmmm I hope I am proved wrong but the big man in the background makes the hair on the back my neck stick up. I think he has no interest other than doing as much damage as he can. Will that get the right results. Seems a bit like thinking the WW1 Generals did a good job winning the war and failing to understand at what cost. Why cant we just have good people doing good things.

robertguyton said...

Is he a bad person?

Armchair Critic said...

I've no reason to suspect he's not, Robert.
After a ridiculous fireworks display and a weird semi - occupation of the gaudy crisco mansion, the first time he came to my attention was when he donated to John Banks. If ever there was a sign that he wasn't a good person, that was it.
As I see it, it's folly to assume your enemy's enemy is your friend. On the basis of the above I won't be voting for Mana or the Internet Party.

robertguyton said...

Nor I. Russel's 'ditch the ETS' speech today is a winning one. That's the way to do it!

darkhorse said...

The whole lot of them are a problem RG - the politics of selfishness and demagogery.

Everyone in parliament of both the left and the right seems to have forgeotten that they are there to govern in our collective best interests - not their own. And also that we have to collectively make living and we rely on parliament to promote the common wealth - the left forget that they seem to think that this can just be fixed by taking it from those who have accumulated more than the fair share through fair means or foul. The entire concept of "left" and "right" is where the whole circus has gone wrong. the left needs the right as much as the right needs the left and then the great majority of us form the centre.
and getting rid of the ETS is one scam gone but why not do the saame with kiwisaver it is another rort that takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich under the guise of saving for retirement just as the ets was a scam under the guise of saving the planet from global warming

and what a glorious weekend speaking of global warming

the harbour sits there - on the first weekend of winter - as still as a millpond for a whole week - this is unnatural and bodes of extremes to come - either wet or dry.

darkhorse said...

and AC is right on dotcom

the recent "divorce" from his wife is likely simply to be a way of isolating a share of his ill gotten goods from the sheriff when he finally comes knocking.

robertguyton said...

I felt the same way about the divorce, darkhoirse. Have you checked your emails? I'm heading your way this afternoon :-)
Duality eh! Hard to know if it's a good or a bad thing :-)