I was invited to meet woodworkers at their Monday night gathering at which I could ask questions about all manner of woody things. I was warmly greeted and a critical eye was cast over me, sizing me up no doubt, as a potential wood worker. I tried not to appear too cack-handed, by avoiding turning a single shaving. Instead I admired the work they were involved in: carving a Clydesdale horse, a Lancaster bomber and a huge clock-face from various timbers. I asked all about the tools they were using and the care there-of, particularly the subtleties of sharpening blades. One friendly gentleman showed me the knives he had made. I coveted them sorely and am presently trying to locate some similar knives. I was loaned beautiful books that I have already poured-over. I'm especially excited by the Stickmaking Handbook (Andrew Jones and Clive George) and the carved-fish handles pictured and described therein. I'm determined to make a kokopu version. Pictured are the knives and mallet I most admired.
This looks promising....a spoon-making workshop at the Food festival next year?
Excellent idea, renetsil!
I'll be a dab-hand by then :-)
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