Thursday, January 9, 2014

Leo's future (letter to The Southland Times editor)

The weather's been patchy lately; hot then cold, rainy then sunny not only here in Southland but across New Zealand.
Globally, the story's the same; odd weather, unseasonal and unusual, just as the climate scientists predicted it would be. There have been soaring temperatures in some countries, extreme cold in others. According to the scientists, the extra energy created by burning fossil fuels; coal, oil and gas creates an unstable climate that causes serious problems for human-kind and they were right; that's exactly what's been happening.
Should we do something about it now, or should we leave it to our grandchildren to try to cope with a dangerously unstable and hostile climate?
I think we should take action now.
Sadly, our Government thinks it's best to pretend it's not happening.
On behalf of my little grandson, I challenge that irresponsible thinking.


Paranormal said...

Sadly Leo has been misled. The cold in North America has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels. Polar vortex has been with us always.

Never mind the reality - keep spinning the doomsday message for the benefit of those in the grip of big government money.

robertguyton said...

No one said the North American chill is the result of AGW, did they?
Certainly Leo's not been told such a thing. As an intelligent man who's closely watching the effect that manking is having on the environment, I read and think about the details of climate change and am not liable to make basic mistakes such as the one you describe.
Your choice of the words "doomsday" and "big government money" reveal a quaint and somewhat dated philosophy/paranoia, para....hey!

robertguyton said...

mankind - can't blame China for everything.

Paranormal said...

Soooo. Lets get this right then. You're not talking about the north American big freeze, just the other normal weather in what has been reported as a quiet year weatherwise. Nope can't see what you're getting at then.

Climate scientists say that weather is unpredicatable - so it must be global warming? Really?

As for the words - just tossing your delusions back at you in the same framing you use.

But lets take a serious look at what your letter proposes. "Take Action Now" Is that referring to massively burdening the economy with taxes and other actions to destroy our competitiveness, that will ensure the economy is brought to it's knees so if poor Leo wanted to do something in the future he is completely unable to - having been stripped of choices by his grandparents? All for something that has no basis in fact or proof, and is mired in hypocrisy and lies (climategate etc.) so it looks like a religious belief? Hmmm. It seems we haven't cme as far from the inquisition as we would have hoped.

My sincere hope is that Leo and his children are left in a position that they can look back and laugh at the global silliness of the left.

robertguyton said...

"Unseasonal and unusual" is what I've said the scientists predicted, para, not 'unpredictable', though that follows.
Climate scientists have said/are saying that the climate is becoming less stable and that instability will impact negatively on human activity. I believe they are correct and there is plenty of evidence to show that is happening right now.
Take action now, is what I propose. Kneecap the economy is what you imagine must happen, but that's only because you lack vision. Taxes, massive burden, these are reflections of your own fears and beliefs - I've not proposed either and wonder why you've assigned such claims to me - perhaps you could quote where I've called for such things - any things in fact.
You can take action to mitigate the predicted if-we-continue-down-this-path effects of climate change. You've talked about trees you've planted. That sounds ideal to me.
Your claim that the claims made by the climate scientists have "no basis in fact or proof" is ludicrous in the extreme. Climate science has no basis in fact?
Your denialist views are worse than religious ones - at least they have fun stories about people wearing great outfits. You've got Monkton, it's true and he's a colourful clown, but he's hardly Moses (flowing white beard, flinty eyes and the strength to hold two stone tablets! You can't beat that, especially with a wan and goggle-eyed Toffy ersatz-lord.

Paranormal said...

Excellent ad hominems there RG. Following the leftist mantra again.

So you claim not to follow the Green vision of the future and their recipe for solving the problems facing the world? Amazing.

Can you confirm then you have never bemoaned the gnats for watering down the ETS?

And here's why your religion is so dangerous.

Read the last two paragraphs in his post. Your religions fanatics have essentially sidelined any investigation that does not agree with their hypothesis. Very similar to the church during the inquisition attacking all the non believers.