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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bumblebee hotel

A kind and thoughtful reader of this blog made the effort to visit in person and brought with her something we'd discussed on-line - a house for bumblebees! Just put it in a dry place, under shelter and stuffed with a wad of cotton, she said, and in the spring a house-hunting queen bumble bee will search it out, move in and begin creating her brood. So I will.
Thanks Chris.
I'll name that queen after you :-)
I poked about amongst the Christmas decorations that surround my rescued nest and found the pots that must contain the second generation bumbles (the small first-timers are busy buzzing about seeing to the pots. They don't venture outside though, except to threaten me) It's very interesting to know that it's the queens that winter-over in dry places here and there and start their own colonies in the spring after a long period of searching-out and feeding. They're big at that stage.
I wonder if I should transfer that cluster of pots, with the queen and attendant workers, to this hotel?
Seems logical, but at the same time, meddling often results in failure...


Armchair Critic said...

How big is it? I'd like to build one.
A few years ago there were nests under the concrete floors of several of my stables, this year there are none there but my long abandoned goat house seems to have become home to a new nest. They are having a great time with the clover and echium, and there are no wool carder bees this year.

robertguyton said...

It's 1'x1'x1'
The lid is removable and covered in aluminium sheet. I'm to fold cotton sheeting to cover the bottom of the box - the queen will shred it, fluff it up and make a nice 'bed' for her subjects.
I wonder where the wool carders are?