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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hua poroporo


Unknown said...

The previous owners of our place had scraped everything back to bare clay around the newly built house. Poroporo self seeded in the clay and we quickly learned that they were great protection from wind and frost for new plants and so easy to trim or remove when their shelter was no longer needed in that spot. The green fruits were used as ammo in kids games, luckily no one developed a propulsion system for them as they are solid wee things. Beautiful purple flowers too, underated plant.

robertguyton said...

Not underated by me :-)
I love them and spent a few seasons collecting seed, making seedballs with them (and clay and soil from beneath the parent) then firing them out all around the district. If you collect the spent and hollow stems and tie them together and to a tree trunk, you've made weta hotels :-)

darkhorse said...

and can also be used as birth control - though this news is probably a bit late to be of aany benefit to you RG

very high in solasodine apparently

robertguyton said...

Glad my mum didn't know that, darkhorse.
Now if only we could convince the Toffs that poroporo is the new caviar...

darkhorse said...

yes maybe start a fad drink craze like guarana or goji berries