Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Haw flakes

Our guest for the past week tells me that she used to buy dried and sliced Chinese hawthorn 'haw flakes' from the Chinese supermarket in her hometown of Glasgow, when she was younger.
This tree is growing in my garden and though I've tried haw flakes, they are not yet a favourite snack of mine. I'll try again, once our solar dehydrator is finished and operating. Certainly the wood from the tree is extraordinarily tough and would make a great bow. It has seriously thorny thorns, the most impressive of which I'm collecting. You never know when you might need a thorn.


Unknown said...

Reminds me of Rob Muldoons comment when he was dumped as leader and relegated to the back bench. They asked if he would be a thorn in the parties side and he replied something along the lines, no just a prick.

robertguyton said...

He'd be intolerable there, I imagine. Unless of course, they could keep him liquored-up sufficient that he couldn't focus on whoever was seated in front of him.