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Monday, November 18, 2013

The brilliance of Keeping Stock

Keeping Stock, ever the clever strategist and National party apologist/shill, is encouraging his mates to vote in the referendum on asset sales. Is he pressing them to vote 'yes', yes I do want National to sell assets? Nah. He's whipping up support for his brilliant plan to "give LabourGreen an upraised middle finger" (I kid you not, the deeply Christian Keeping Stock uses those sorts of expressions) by voting 'yeah, nah!' when he gets his hands on the referendum form.



Mastermind stuff from Keeping Stock.

But wait, there's more! From whence did this devilishly clever idea come? Why, from the strategically adroit and politically successful Pete George, Peter Dunne's ever-so-sincere side-kick.


Democracy. It's so irksome to some folks. Lucky for them, they don't lack for clever plans and wickedly wicked strategies.




Unknown said...

I got high on acid and voted 'yes' on asset sales by mistake, now my friends wont talk to me.

Forgetting to vote NO -it's not a good look.

robertguyton said...

Your friends are right to shun you, Parkour. Please don't take any more acid though - it erodes your teeth and sours your mood.
You don't suppose Keeping Stock...?

Joe W said...

For some reason I'm reminded of the McGillicudy Serious person who was hauled before a Hamilton court in the early 90s on a charge of failing to complete his census form. His excuse was that, at midnight on the critical date, he was lying insensible beside a fountain in central Hamilton, possessed by the spirit of an ancient pithecanthropus.

The presiding judge, entering into the spirit of things, persuaded him to admit that he'd deliberately invoked the possession, and discharged him without conviction.

robertguyton said...

Pithecanthropus! He was great. So was the judge. Being in the fountain as he was, he could have claimed to have been possessed by the spirit of a coelacanth, and that being a fish 'n all, he might have fooled the judge that way.