This is off topic, but Ele at HP's post claiming that the 'best' comment on the referendum was if the Greens oppose it, it must be good (or whatever, I'm not going back to check) finally convinced me there is no point in trying to 'engage' with anyone there. She is high up in the Nats and if that's how she thinks, then stuff it, she's being pathetic.
(commenting in single paragraphs for tech reasons) I had decided to quit there before blokeinauckland's rant, he convinced me to sign out rather than just stop. I think there is value in discussing things with those with opposing views, but HP is no longer the place to do that, maybe it never was. It was mostly fun, my mum plays online scrabble, I started commenting. Quite freaky when I realised that Tracey S lived a few kms from me. Hi Tracey, I know you read Robert's blog and comments, it's really easy to set up a google account, you'll get bored over there without anyone to argue with .
That's a shame CG, I enjoyed your comments at HP. I pointed out the Greens opposed slavery, disenfrachising women, and wanton destruction of the environment, and the complete absence of criticism of the hypothesis in the quote shows she supports all three. Going anywhere like HP expecting to make the resident commenters change their minds is futile, and it's not why I'm there. Tracey S once asked me why I commented there, and I refused to answer, so it would be inconsistent of me to do so here. Let me just say there are good reasons to keep commenting there, and I'm happy to explain off-blog. Ask Robert for my email address if you want to read my take on it. Otherwise, I'll miss you at HP and look forward to reading your comments elsewhere.
Hi Corokia You were too patient, too long at the homepaddock. It's a pity when their lack of finesse become abusive - not personally abusive perhaps, though it was, but an abuse of thought; reason, logic, discussion and debate. Ele's low-brow post was just too infantile for further comment but in truth, I find jabba's blockheaded commments that way almost invariably. It odd that the only thing that can 'turn' me from a topic is numb-witted behaviour. I'd love to be thrashed by clever argument. When I am, I really like conceeding the point and congratulating the thrasher. Homepaddock is not the venue for that. Nor is Keeping Stock. The commenters and bloggers there will and do crow,and there's nothing we can do about that level of engagement. As to Tracey, she's as bad but much of her bravado comes from being amongst her mates. I am surprised she hasn't the pep to comment here. Perhaps she needs a provocative post to draw her here for at least on thread, during which we can test here thinking. I'd be ever so gentle with her delicate sensibilities. Ele's visited in the past, as has Keeping Stock (til he had a hissy "I'm never talking to you again!" fit). AC use of the word 'futile' to describe any hope of changing the minds of jabba et al is perfectly chosen. There are, however, other HP readers who lurk. Perhaps it's they who take on board some of the things you/I/we say. Perhaps. You have lots of thinking energy though, corokia, so I wonder where that will burst out? I know the blogs ease the pressure on the Southland Times' letters section somewhat, much to the approval of my wife. I find Frogblog terribly boring now, which is a great pity. It used to be fun. The Standard is to full and interactions are fleeting. Kiwiblog has been blocked to me for years. Slater is foul. I teased Pete George for a while but it was too easy. Same with several others. Any suggestions warmly welcomed :-)
Thanks AC & Robert. I wasn’t expecting to change the minds of any of the usual commenters over at HP, but to offer a different opinion and to challenge some of the PR that Ele posts. I am curious as to why you say there are good reasons to comment there AC, but having ‘signed off’ I’d be uncomfortable going back. The commenters have got nastier and the sheer stupidity of some/many there is very frustrating. I did have a look at your comment about the Greens opposing slavery etc AC, up to your usual well thought out standard, your comments are one of the reasons I visited HP. While there I read the complaint from willdwan who objected to being ‘endlessly hectored’ (a ridiculous complaint, because you have to actually click on comments to see them) and paranormal who is just paranoid. Then Mr. E pops up and says that the Greens just can’t take a joke & Ele grabs that lifebuoy and suggests that she was being funny. (Mr. E, if you visit here, I do play cricket with the family & I bowl quite well for a middle aged lady, but if called to play at an international level it would be for NZ ) I was stunned AC, when I first read that you vote National, but then got over it because it reminded me that there are intelligent, decent people of a right wing persuasion. My Dad has always enjoyed a good, logical argument. He has been a National voter for most of his adult life, but concerns over climate change and his grandchildren’s future had him voting Green last election. I know what you mean about Frogblog etc Robert, it feels as if everyone is moving into silos and not interested in actually talking to people with different views. We now get called “trolls” for challenging what is said on HP and get abuse rather than an argument. It’s sad really, because online forums are an easy way to communicate with others . Maybe the right wing feel truly threatened by the left and, feeling vulnerable, attack rather than listen. We DO all have way more in common that we usually acknowledge and we have to work together, so turning nasty is self defeating for us all as New Zealanders. Pundit allows comments and last week I challenged Tim Watkin on his post on deep sea drilling which did not mention climate change and this week texted Kathryn Ryan, The Panel & Morning Report making a similar comment. The comments on the Daily Blog go to moderation which slows discussion down, but it’s worth a visit. Dim-post is good and right up there- there’s this greenie gardening bloke with a blog in Riverton………….
Ha! It all comes down, I think, to prejudice - preconceptions about tribes. It seems as though para, jabba, Tracey et all have pre-set views, ossified views, on who we are (commies!) and whenever the discussion gets challenging, they fall back to their default, angry position and no end of explaining, teasing out, showing of examples, questioning, will free them from their simplistic view. They seem resentful and angry. Gravedodger is the classic example. Kinda amusing when the discussion favours him, quite nasty when it doesn't. Interesting to, how Labour and National supporters each call the others, "nasty". When that's aimed at me, I laugh. It's so revealing. Man, I can tease (though I restrain myself mightily!) but nasty? Hardly. Even Mr E, who prides himself on being balanced and measured, has a steak of it in him, though seems quite blind to his own. It's a curious thing. I once posted on Bill English's claim about mum and dad investors. In the council, a complaint was made by a right-wing councillor that my post was disgusting, as Bill English's parents were dead and I was a disgrace for speaking ill of them. It was gobsmacking how she had read into the very brief post, her anger, and had not been able to see what was really being said. I felt that typified much of what goes on in a blog like Ludmann's. They aren't reading what you write. Their filter is distorting to the extent that they become inflamed with righteous indignation at what you simply rgad as facts. I know I feel that way about the process. It is very gratifying though, to have the likes of yourself and AC come on and show that they completely understand the point you are making. The difference is profound and it's very stabilizing to get support and understanding like that.
Nice explanation. The manners you both were shown at HP were appalling. I have no doubt that Ele does not allow dinner guests at her house to be treated so poorly, so it speaks volumes about her that she allows that sort of thing on her blog. My explanation of their behaviour is shorter, and more speculative. I believe that they are settling back into their shells because they have accepted the inevitability of an election defeat and cannot face the reality of a government that reflects their beliefs less than National does. It would be interesting to go back to The Standard and check for similar behaviour there pre 2007. My intention to vote National at the next election, CG, is fully cognisant of the likelihood they will lose, and I don't mind because I see a new government as a new opportunity. Old with the old (the tired, the stale, the failed) and in with the new, I say.
Check out 'Key and English., best of friends' on the standard. An entertaining read from a new satirist. Do read the comments, left and right all get to have a good laugh.
No matter your legal situation, you must get prepared to face it. Be certain you keep in mind the advice that is mentioned here when you need an attorney. The tips from this article will help the process run smoothly and keep you less stressed. |
This is off topic, but Ele at HP's post claiming that the 'best' comment on the referendum was if the Greens oppose it, it must be good (or whatever, I'm not going back to check) finally convinced me there is no point in trying to 'engage' with anyone there. She is high up in the Nats and if that's how she thinks, then stuff it, she's being pathetic.
(commenting in single paragraphs for tech reasons) I had decided to quit there before blokeinauckland's rant, he convinced me to sign out rather than just stop. I think there is value in discussing things with those with opposing views, but HP is no longer the place to do that, maybe it never was. It was mostly fun, my mum plays online scrabble, I started commenting. Quite freaky when I realised that Tracey S lived a few kms from me. Hi Tracey, I know you read Robert's blog and comments, it's really easy to set up a google account, you'll get bored over there without anyone to argue with .
That's a shame CG, I enjoyed your comments at HP. I pointed out the Greens opposed slavery, disenfrachising women, and wanton destruction of the environment, and the complete absence of criticism of the hypothesis in the quote shows she supports all three. Going anywhere like HP expecting to make the resident commenters change their minds is futile, and it's not why I'm there. Tracey S once asked me why I commented there, and I refused to answer, so it would be inconsistent of me to do so here. Let me just say there are good reasons to keep commenting there, and I'm happy to explain off-blog. Ask Robert for my email address if you want to read my take on it. Otherwise, I'll miss you at HP and look forward to reading your comments elsewhere.
Hi Corokia
You were too patient, too long at the homepaddock. It's a pity when their lack of finesse become abusive - not personally abusive perhaps, though it was, but an abuse of thought; reason, logic, discussion and debate. Ele's low-brow post was just too infantile for further comment but in truth, I find jabba's blockheaded commments that way almost invariably. It odd that the only thing that can 'turn' me from a topic is numb-witted behaviour. I'd love to be thrashed by clever argument. When I am, I really like conceeding the point and congratulating the thrasher.
Homepaddock is not the venue for that. Nor is Keeping Stock. The commenters and bloggers there will and do crow,and there's nothing we can do about that level of engagement.
As to Tracey, she's as bad but much of her bravado comes from being amongst her mates. I am surprised she hasn't the pep to comment here. Perhaps she needs a provocative post to draw her here for at least on thread, during which we can test here thinking. I'd be ever so gentle with her delicate sensibilities. Ele's visited in the past, as has Keeping Stock (til he had a hissy "I'm never talking to you again!" fit).
AC use of the word 'futile' to describe any hope of changing the minds of jabba et al is perfectly chosen. There are, however, other HP readers who lurk. Perhaps it's they who take on board some of the things you/I/we say.
You have lots of thinking energy though, corokia, so I wonder where that will burst out? I know the blogs ease the pressure on the Southland Times' letters section somewhat, much to the approval of my wife.
I find Frogblog terribly boring now, which is a great pity. It used to be fun. The Standard is to full and interactions are fleeting. Kiwiblog has been blocked to me for years. Slater is foul. I teased Pete George for a while but it was too easy. Same with several others.
Any suggestions warmly welcomed :-)
Thanks AC & Robert. I wasn’t expecting to change the minds of any of the usual commenters over at HP, but to offer a different opinion and to challenge some of the PR that Ele posts. I am curious as to why you say there are good reasons to comment there AC, but having ‘signed off’ I’d be uncomfortable going back. The commenters have got nastier and the sheer stupidity of some/many there is very frustrating.
I did have a look at your comment about the Greens opposing slavery etc AC, up to your usual well thought out standard, your comments are one of the reasons I visited HP. While there I read the complaint from willdwan who objected to being ‘endlessly hectored’ (a ridiculous complaint, because you have to actually click on comments to see them) and paranormal who is just paranoid. Then Mr. E pops up and says that the Greens just can’t take a joke & Ele grabs that lifebuoy and suggests that she was being funny. (Mr. E, if you visit here, I do play cricket with the family & I bowl quite well for a middle aged lady, but if called to play at an international level it would be for NZ )
I was stunned AC, when I first read that you vote National, but then got over it because it reminded me that there are intelligent, decent people of a right wing persuasion. My Dad has always enjoyed a good, logical argument. He has been a National voter for most of his adult life, but concerns over climate change and his grandchildren’s future had him voting Green last election.
I know what you mean about Frogblog etc Robert, it feels as if everyone is moving into silos and not interested in actually talking to people with different views. We now get called “trolls” for challenging what is said on HP and get abuse rather than an argument. It’s sad really, because online forums are an easy way to communicate with others . Maybe the right wing feel truly threatened by the left and, feeling vulnerable, attack rather than listen. We DO all have way more in common that we usually acknowledge and we have to work together, so turning nasty is self defeating for us all as New Zealanders.
Pundit allows comments and last week I challenged Tim Watkin on his post on deep sea drilling which did not mention climate change and this week texted Kathryn Ryan, The Panel & Morning Report making a similar comment. The comments on the Daily Blog go to moderation which slows discussion down, but it’s worth a visit. Dim-post is good and right up there- there’s this greenie gardening bloke with a blog in Riverton………….
It all comes down, I think, to prejudice - preconceptions about tribes. It seems as though para, jabba, Tracey et all have pre-set views, ossified views, on who we are (commies!) and whenever the discussion gets challenging, they fall back to their default, angry position and no end of explaining, teasing out, showing of examples, questioning, will free them from their simplistic view. They seem resentful and angry. Gravedodger is the classic example. Kinda amusing when the discussion favours him, quite nasty when it doesn't. Interesting to, how Labour and National supporters each call the others, "nasty". When that's aimed at me, I laugh. It's so revealing. Man, I can tease (though I restrain myself mightily!) but nasty? Hardly. Even Mr E, who prides himself on being balanced and measured, has a steak of it in him, though seems quite blind to his own. It's a curious thing. I once posted on Bill English's claim about mum and dad investors. In the council, a complaint was made by a right-wing councillor that my post was disgusting, as Bill English's parents were dead and I was a disgrace for speaking ill of them. It was gobsmacking how she had read into the very brief post, her anger, and had not been able to see what was really being said. I felt that typified much of what goes on in a blog like Ludmann's. They aren't reading what you write. Their filter is distorting to the extent that they become inflamed with righteous indignation at what you simply rgad as facts. I know I feel that way about the process. It is very gratifying though, to have the likes of yourself and AC come on and show that they completely understand the point you are making. The difference is profound and it's very stabilizing to get support and understanding like that.
Nice explanation. The manners you both were shown at HP were appalling. I have no doubt that Ele does not allow dinner guests at her house to be treated so poorly, so it speaks volumes about her that she allows that sort of thing on her blog.
My explanation of their behaviour is shorter, and more speculative. I believe that they are settling back into their shells because they have accepted the inevitability of an election defeat and cannot face the reality of a government that reflects their beliefs less than National does. It would be interesting to go back to The Standard and check for similar behaviour there pre 2007.
My intention to vote National at the next election, CG, is fully cognisant of the likelihood they will lose, and I don't mind because I see a new government as a new opportunity. Old with the old (the tired, the stale, the failed) and in with the new, I say.
Check out 'Key and English., best of friends' on the standard. An entertaining read from a new satirist. Do read the comments, left and right all get to have a good laugh.
No matter your legal situation, you must get prepared to face it. Be certain you keep in mind the advice that is mentioned here when you need an attorney. The tips from this article will help the process run smoothly and keep you less stressed. | | | | |
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