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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Interviewing people with something to say

What an elegant title from the Southland Times 'letters' editor today; pithy and amusing too.
He was referring to my letter of response to councillor Miller's earlier, in-my-opinion lame, effort.

Marion Miller rises (November 1) in defence of the "old guard" on the council of Environment Southland.
 In doing her duty she takes a swipe at The Southland Times' report and criticises the reporter for not interviewing those 'old guards', talking instead to the councillors who expressed a lively opinion during the meeting. 
 You can hardly blame the reporter for looking for something other than platitudes to offer readers.

Rowly Currie too, had a letter published this morning (it's a good day for democracy, eh, Stuart!).
Rowly exposed an aspect of 'council business' that most people won't have known about; the continued influence of ex-chairman Stuart Collie. Rowly wrote (under the title, Democratic process):

In response to Stuart Collie (November 2) all Environment Southland councillors understand and accept the democratic process.
 The majority view will always triumph. 
 Sometimes, some may not favour an outcome, and will say so, which is a democratic right.
 It would appear that Stuart Collie`s remarks relate to the fact that he is the proud mentor of Ali Timms.



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