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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Genter by Franks

Stephen Franks recognises Julie Ann Genter's abilities, and reports honestly on them. Gerry Brownlee probably knows as well, that he's up against a better thinker in Genter, but chooses instead to belittle her in the House.
Read Franks' blogpost below. You might also enjoy this article that accompanies the image and explains the calf.
Genter plan is the best kind of plan
November 12th, 2013

Julie Ann Genter MP last night won over the LEANZ audience, Most turned up cautiously sceptical, expecting perhaps at best some nuggets amongst a lot of green faith.

Instead we got one of the best presentations I've seen. Genter won over the audience with a lively, fact filled, economically sophisticated argument for abolishing the power of local authorities to impose minimum or maximum parking space requirements on specific site uses. Her case could be summarised as proving why the best plan for private land parking may be no plan.

The conditions – among them that management of publicly owned parking be sophisticated and directed to maximising the value of the land concerned did not raise hackles.

If you get a chance, go along to hear the Green MP who is not there to tell people how they should get to work or use their land.

It did not hurt that she has mastered Prezi

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Paranormal said...

From previous comments here I didn't think you rated Franks.

robertguyton said...

Not so. He's quite rational, except where he generalises. That's his weakness.

Paranormal said...

Have you seen his work on the treaty?

robertguyton said...

Long ago. I have some sympathy.