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Monday, November 25, 2013

Ban the annoying guy

From today's Southland Times 'letters to the editor' column:

"It's time to ban all Greenie letters to the paper, especially from Riverton."

Go, you good thing!


Armchair Critic said...

Your ideas threaten the consensus, Robert. That is enough of a reason to ban you.

JayWontdart said...

I think it's time for the green men to rise again! We'll run through a Fed Farmers meeting, slap our body painted bottoms at them, throw a confetti of leaves into the air and be gone in a flash(er)!

In all seriousness though, how can this person whinge about "one bad apple, and all the greenies at ES clamping down on Freedom(tm)"? Can they not accept that our Southland water quality is getting dramatically worse? It's not one "bad apple" peeing directly in the water supply, the dirty devil, but the industry as a whole.

There cannot be infinite expansion when you are confined with limited resources. What is so hard to understand here?

I agree with banning letters from that Riverton lot though! They should secede from the union!

paulinem said...

Go you green stirrer and give Mr Poulson indergestion with frustration at the truth been printed :)

Unknown said...

Education should hinge on explaining to young people to look and think. Dont always agree or always disagree but be open and think. Those who wish to censor what you see or hear are almost always the crazies who need people uneducated so they can prevail with their views.
Good old fashioned robust debate is something they fear because they dont understand its about putting a view out there that may be right or may be wrong. progress is made by the clash of ideas, not by being frightened of them

robertguyton said...

What a stirrer, that M Poulson, Invercargill! There's a hornet's nest feeling about all of this and I've a feeling there's more to come, given my call from the Southland Times reporter earlier today.
I wonder if there are as many Poulsons out there as there are greenie-supporters?
We shell sea.

Armchair Critic said...

Don't be blase, Robert. It's not merely a matter of being correct, nor a matter of being popular.

robertguyton said...

Would being rich help?
Being a member of the Old Guard?
Guess I'll just have to go with what little I've got and hope for the best.

Armchair Critic said...

Perhaps, but not really relevant.
I recommend a strong dose of cynicism, and low expectations around standards of behaviour from the supporters of the consensus you are criticizing.

robertguyton said...

Right-o, I'll be on my guard.

Cally said...

The people that annoy me, I stop reading / listening to, so they no longer annoy me. The fact that they are complaining means they are hearing you and it's striking a chord somewhere inside them - so keep it up!

robertguyton said...

Thank you, Cally. I guess it's like receiving unwanted emails - you don't have to open them and 'move to trash' is a pretty easy option.
I will keep it up.

Armchair Critic said...

Don't just be on your guard, be prepared.

robertguyton said...

I'm girding my loins as we speak.