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Saturday, October 26, 2013


If you've not already watched this, here's your chance. I've always struggled with the charge from my opponents that I shouldn't criticise unless I have a solution to offer, which I believe to be nonsense, and delighted in seeing Russel Brand dismiss that argument in a trice - didn't vote? Can't criticise! Ha! Mr Brand doesn't tolerate that sort of pish.
On a more personal note, and slightly connected to this clip, is this comment I stumbled across yesterday on another blog:

Towack says:
angry and radical, sums up Mr Guyton pretty well, sadly.


Unknown said...

So good!

robertguyton said...

We knew you'd like it/him :-)

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with being angry and radical?

robertguyton said...

According to Russell Brand, it's what ya gotta be!

Bioneer said...

Not nearly angry enough. In other news: the debt ceiling is raised again.

Hootnz said...

Thankyou for showing this clip! loved it! and by the way your garden is looking gorgeous too :)

robertguyton said...

You're welcome, Hootnz and thank you. I'm loving it.