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Saturday, October 12, 2013


What better way to celebrate success than with a lemon meringue pie cooked for you (me) by one's (my) son.
There is no better way, I can tell you!
(Thanks very much to those who voted for me - I will do everything I can to make Southland a better place - I'm hard-wired to do that, and a seat on the Council is a big help along that road.)


Unknown said...

as they say in the south " good on ya mate"

Armchair Critic said...

Excellent news. Well done Robert.

Armchair Critic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Congrats Robert!

darkhorse said...

don't let them grind you down!

Unknown said...

Go Dad!

renetsil said...

Congratulations :)

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Philip. I look forward to more ideas from you here on this blog and in person. We'll meet soon, I'm bound.

robertguyton said...

Thanks, AC. I've valued your advice from the get-go.

robertguyton said...

Thanks, wildcrafty. I have plans that you would approve of :-)

robertguyton said...

Thanks, darkhorse - rest assured, I'm not for grinding.

robertguyton said...

Hey Poll!

robertguyton said...

Thanks, renetsil.
I'm quietly LMAO :-)

Dave Kennedy said...

It looks like it will be an exciting three years ahead. Well done!

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Dave. Yes, there's drama in the pipeline, foreshore.

Armchair Critic said...

I can see why you might be LYAO - for one, your prickly opponent, Mr Nettleton, appears to have been mulched.

robertguyton said...

He ben spayed.

Cally said...

Congratulations - great to hear.

(If I thought one of my son's would cook me a lemon meringue pie like that I'd be tempted to stand in the local body elections too!)

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Cally. It's a special dessert and he's quite a lad :-)

Bioneer said...


robertguyton said...

For us all!

fredinthegrass said...

Congratulations, Rg. I might differ from some of your ideas, but I have real admiration for folk with the fortitude to stand up and be counted. It is folk like yourself that keep democracy alive.
I guess you wont be getting a call from KS - banned again/still I see. Well that is democracy!

robertguyton said...

Thanks very much, Fred, I appreciate your comments.
Banned, again? KS bans me every day. I must be the most-banned leftwing commentator in the country, and yet, I such a reasonable, affable fellow...

robertguyton said...


Unknown said...

Robert can you do something about the damn wind today. Its blown everything off my property apart from the mortgage. Trust those banks to have that fixed.

robertguyton said...

Ha! No floating death-grip for you, Philip?
Just as well, given conditions.
I'll talk to my people.

Unknown said...

Congrats Robert - I can see our views differ in some ways, yet are the similar in others, just wish I had more time to contribute to discussions.
All the best for the next 3yrs.
I see you've got a new boy on board.

Unknown said...

are similar

Anonymous said...

Congrats Robert. Well done.

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Willy. I too wish you had the time to say more here. New boy, eh! Cowboy at that. Compromised by his Fonterra hat, do you think?

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Jon. We are coming to visit today - hope the weather stays like is now :-)