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Friday, October 18, 2013

Keeping slaters

"We've met Cameron Slater once in person, and have chatted online from time to time."

Keeping Stock.



Armchair Critic said...

Based on the success of his previous endeavours, I suspect he might be the wedge that splits the National Party in two.

robertguyton said...

Into two what?

Unknown said...

nice blog

Unknown said...

It's not so much fun arguing with the National supporters these days. I don't know if they have changed or I'm just tired of the way they can't seem to follow an argument without accusing me of this and that.

robertguyton said...

Tena koe, Yogi.

robertguyton said...

I know just what you mean, corokia. Things have got quite acidic for those folk and I fear they are becoming aware that they are doomed and in response, keep their line extra-closely so as not to lose heart. Still, it can be fun, especially when gaskets are blown, foo-foo valves vented etc. I always rolled my eyes, in a gentle and caring way, when rightwingers declared Labour the 'Nasty Party'. They may be right, I don't know, but it did seem ironic to hear them protest so. Bill English is trying, trying to dress the Greens in the same livery, but he just sounds dim when he does it ('dim's' not nasty, is it? I mean it kindly).

Unknown said...

It's hard to know what the blue crowd would consider nasty. I reckon picking on beneficiaries, polluting rivers, actively promoting policies that cause climate change and putting trade deals ahead of human rights is nasty.

robertguyton said...

'parently not. It's 'business'

Unknown said...

So true!

Jacqueline said...

Keeping Stock's excitement in regards Len Brown's predicament, and apparrent judgement in regards to infidelity - and then such obvious greasy suckie up admiration for Slater - after completely ignoring the fact that Cameron Slater has had NUMEROUS affairs really gets up my nose.

That is the nicest way i can describe my feelings. Gets up my nose.

Maybe KS just forgot to be a judgmental *sshole who appeared to be in the middle of a blogging wet dream - when Slater was busted?

Right wing bloggers are INSANE.

Armchair Critic said...

Slater may end up splitting National into two separate parties. It would probably be back to the pre-WW2 set up, with a farming or rural based party and a town or business based party. A recipe for a long period of disarray. Once Key goes they have no one to unite behind.
Slater has to make this Len Brown thing work or it will be another failure on his list, another blow to his credibility. Not because he didn't embarrass an important figure for the left - he did that, but because it hasn't got the result he wanted - an unexpected come from behind win for his old man's candidate.

robertguyton said...

Jacqueline - I'll not argue with you - who would :-)
There are many frustrating people in this world - all are sent to hone us and make us sharp enough to survive the really challenging events ahead.

robertguyton said...

AC - your choice of phrase is disturbing and I'm to disturbed by it, to repeat it :-)

Armchair Critic said...

Yes, I see. Usually when I write something and it has more than one meaning, it's deliberate. That wasn't. Sorry.

Kehua said...

The public display of double standards Slater displays going public taking the high moral ground,with regards to reason why he were involved in outing "rooting ratbags".Surely begs the question why he happily overlooked his own infidelities.While national right wing bloggers seem to also remain habitually tardy in any regard to picking up on reminding him either

Christian right is a term used in the United States to describe right-wing Christian political groups that are characterized by their strong support of socially conservative policies. Maybe to some extent residue of same effect, applies in NZ.

Seems in their often over zealous manner of trying to be known as so wonderfully righteous.True colours of humanity show.

Unknown said...

I have great difficulty accepting the idea that there are 2 women on the planet that would sleep with Cameron Slater.

robertguyton said...

Yikes! We are straying into arthropod territory - pull up, pull up!!!

robertguyton said...

It's a curious world, the political one, kehua. People say and do the most contradictory things. Personally, I think a philanderer will suffer the consequences of his actions without the help of the righteously indignant and the screamingly hypocritical isopod or human.

Kehua said...

Yes Robert.And in watching the latest news. Maybe the plot thickens.The very worst of these type situations is effect on people that become like the meat in the sandwich.

robertguyton said...

Yes, kehua, the plot sickens.