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Sunday, October 6, 2013


Last night the Guineas have made a dash for it and succeeded in their quest for freedom. They nosed their way out beneath the frame of their otherwise secure run and headed for the parcell patch, where they set up camp, in the way bees do when they swarm. Goodness only knows where they are now though, there's neither hide nor hair.  Good luck to the tasty little things. In the early hours of the morning, I heard one meet its maker with a squeal. I fervently hope they find a secure Guinea piggery - there are plenty off opportunities in my garden. I've made them one that I hope will tempt them sorely enough for them to adopt as their home. It has clay pipes to come and go through, and a slate roof for their convenience.
We've a group of would-be forest gardeners coming through this afternoon, so I'm making preparations for them to have the best possible experience while they are here. I've lit the fire under the outdoor bath and will fire-up the cob oven too, just so they can smell the smoke and feel the heat. Perhaps some might like to take the plunge or bake a scone. If so, there'll be nothing stopping them. We enjoyed our visit to the Lake George retreat yesterday evening, eating our way through innumerable pizza, sampling Karen's excellent gorse-flower wine and watching the sun set over the trees. We heard that there were moreporks, but scuttled of home too early to hear them, as we were tired from several high-energy days hosting visitors. Today is delightfully low-key and we are enjoying that.


Bioneer said...

Oh dear, did Jasper take an interest in them?

robertguyton said...

He's been conspicuous by his absence, has that cat.

Unknown said...

Pleased to hear a couple of Moreporks in Anderson Park Bush again this spring. The have been absent for sometime.

robertguyton said...

Really? That's encouraging. Have you seen the moreporks feeding at night in the 'ruru-arium' at the Te Anau Bird Park? It's a must-see. Not a must-hear - they hunt/fly in absolute silence - wonderful!

Unknown said...

The other thing we have noticed is the return of the frogs to our pond. Wonder if the two go hand in hand. For several years we heard very little but now in the evenings they are making themselves heard again.

robertguyton said...

That's even better news, from my point of view, being an amphibiophile 'n all. I've two glass bowls of tadpoles on my kitchen table, being nursed through the spring in order that the ensuing brown whistling frogs can take up residence in my purpose-built pond just below my bedroom window - I love the croakin'n whistlin' of the little guys...