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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Huge spike

Looking under this blog's hood, I discover that my visitor numbers have sky-rocketed over the past week or so. Exciting to be so well read, I suppose, but I'm putting most of those hits down to Paddy and his multiple, minute-by-minute visits, so I guess in a way, it doesn't really count.


Unknown said...

Can blog owners tell the identity of everyone who reads their page? Obviously you know who comments, but surely not who just looks.

robertguyton said...

Some may be able to explore and collate ISP addresses and work it out from there, corokia green, but I don't. I know Paddy's been reading, as he's using quotes from comments here on his blog :-)

Unknown said...

I enjoy your blog for the mix of gardening, politics and some of the best photos on a blog out there.

robertguyton said...

Thanks, corokia - it can be a delicate balance to keep. Sometimes, I tip too far in one direction :-)

Anonymous said...

Must have been all that local body election fervour.

Who is Paddy?

robertguyton said...

Journalism Tutor at the local polytech. He's been posting (post after post after post) on his blog seeking to discredit me in as many ways as he can think of. Hard to know why. He even sank to the depths of lying to try to entrap me and reveal details of confidential Council meetings, so he's not above dishonest methods. I'll sort this out soon.