Thursday, October 24, 2013

Good evening


Anonymous said...

Kiaora Robert, can you tell me, do apple trees like potatoes growing under them? At the dripline, or thereabouts, in a mound probably, that runs around the outer edge. Someone had this idea so am just doing a bit of research.

Anonymous said...

Just found an online chart that says apples don't like potatoes, but still interested in your thoughts.

Any other suggestions for a crop that will help establish a bed after it's harvested? Dappled sunlight (but hot).

robertguyton said...

Wildcrafty - I hope so, as that's where I'm planting many of mine. We are skimming the grasses/herbs with a sharp spade, not breaking the surface of the soil and cutting into the trees feeder roots, placing the potatoes then re-covering them with the vegetation skimmed. As they grow, we'll cut herbage from immediately nearby and continue to build the mulch mound. Perhaps too, I'll bring in cut material from our grey-water swale and other places where growth is excessive and nutrients need to be relocated. The most important aspect of our approach is to leave miccorhiza intact where-ever possible. With regard your 'apples don't like potatoes'chart, two things; firstly, I'm not going to over-do it. Most of my potato mounds are going to be in places other than around apple trees and secondly, many things claimed are subject to circumstance and worth testing, imho. We shall see. I personally can't see the harm. I'm talking on RadioLive tomorrow morning at around 8am on these topics, fyi.

Anonymous said...

Great, thanks Robert. Will let you know how we get on. Not sure about 8am on a Sat morning, but presume it will be online later?